
How To Create An Account Number

Determine the account number to be created.


  1. Fund-Dept-Acct.Sub
  2. Example: 101-101-702.000 Wages
  3. Visit the State of MI website for assistance with which numbers to use.
  5. If you still have questions about the number to use, contact your auditor or accountant.


  1. Fund – Function - Transaction + Class/Object . ESP Object
  2. Example: 11-000-2101.000 Cash
  3. Visit the State of MI website for assistance with which numbers to use.

 Click Ledger Accounts link in the Primary Task box (upper left corner)

Click New button

Select the number for each segment from the drop down list

Change the Description if needed

For Municipalities - Do not worry about the F65 assignment at this time.

Click Save button


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