
Assign Print Checks Button In AP

When trying to print checks and the following error message is displayed:

You must select the type of check to print from preferences before you may print checks.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit on the Menu Bar
  2. Click Adjust Preferences in the drop down
  3. Click “+” beside “Reports” in the “Categories” list on the left
  4. Click Assignment
  5. Change Type of Assignment from “Primary Task” to “Forms and Report Buttons
  6. Insure Where to Assign = Print Checks
  7. In “Select a Report”, scroll to the bottom of the list and look for “Custom”
    1. If Custom is listed, click the “+” beside it
      1. Click the “+” beside “Checks”
      2. Select the custom check created previously
      3. Click the Assign button to move the selected report into the “Assigned To Print Checks” box
    2. If a custom check is not listed:
      1. Scroll to top of the list and check the "+" beside "Checks" if the styles of checks are not already listed
      2. Find the style of check you have “Check on ...” and click the “+” next to it
      3. Select the the style of check stub to print
        1. 12 Items On Stub will print the Voucher Description and Account Number (for Cash Basis users)
        2. 24 Items On Stub will print the Date, Vendor Ref #, & Amount
      4. Click the Assign button to move the selected report into the “Assigned To Print Checks” box
  8. Click OK button to save changes and close Preferences window
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