When trying to print checks and the following error message is displayed:
You must select the type of check to print from preferences before you may print checks.
Follow these steps:
- Click Edit on the Menu Bar
- Click Adjust Preferences in the drop down
- Click “+” beside “Reports” in the “Categories” list on the left
- Click Assignment
- Change Type of Assignment from “Primary Task” to “Forms and Report Buttons”
- Insure Where to Assign = Print Checks
- In “Select a Report”, scroll to the bottom of the list and look for “Custom”
- If Custom is listed, click the “+” beside it
- Click the “+” beside “Checks”
- Select the custom check created previously
- Click the Assign button to move the selected report into the “Assigned To Print Checks” box
- If a custom check is not listed:
- Scroll to top of the list and check the "+" beside "Checks" if the styles of checks are not already listed
- Find the style of check you have “Check on ...” and click the “+” next to it
- Select the the style of check stub to print
- 12 Items On Stub will print the Voucher Description and Account Number (for Cash Basis users)
- 24 Items On Stub will print the Date, Vendor Ref #, & Amount
- Click the Assign button to move the selected report into the “Assigned To Print Checks” box
- If Custom is listed, click the “+” beside it
- Click OK button to save changes and close Preferences window