
Quick Step Guide – Journal Entries


  • All Journal Entries require an equal dollar amount of Debit and Credit inside the same fund (the first 3 numbers of account #).
  • Journal Entries can only be made in the current or previous fiscal year.

New Entry

  1. Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the Date of the transaction.
  4. Select the Transaction Type.
  5. (Optional) Enter Transaction Description (Up to 50 characters).
  6. (Optional) Enter corresponding Document Number (Up to 9 characters).
  7. Select an Account by one of the following methods:
    1. Click on the drop-down box and select the desired number
    2. Manually type the account number in the field
    3. Select the box and use arrow keys to scroll through the list
  8. Once all accounts are entered, check that the Balance in the lower-right corner Proof box is $0.00.
  9. Click Save.

Save an Entry to File
In a new or existing journal entry:

  1. Right-click it the empty space below the account number grid.
  2. Select Save Transaction To File.
  3. Use Windows’ ‘File Window’ to select the file name and location – Click the Save button.
  4. Save, Cancel, or Exit the journal entry.

Find Existing

  1. Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
  2. In the Journal Entry Quick Search box in the lower-left corner, enter search criteria.
  3. Use the Advanced button for additional filters.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Double-click an entry to view details.

Load a Saved Entry

  1. Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the Date of the transaction.
  4. Select the Transaction Type.
  5. (Optional) Enter Transaction Description (Up to 50 characters).
  6. (Optional) Enter corresponding Document Number (Up to 9 characters).
  7. Right-click in area below the account number grid.
  8. Use Windows’ ‘File Window’ to select the file to load – click Open.
  9. Edit account numbers, debits & credits as needed.
  10. Click Save.


  1. Only Journal Entries made in General Ledger can be edited.
  2. Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
  3. Select entry to be edited.
  4. Click Edit Transaction.
  5. Once changes are made, check that the Balance in the lower-right corner Proof box is $0.00.
  6. Click Save.


  1. Only Journal Entries made in General Ledger can be reversed.
  2. Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
  3. Select entry to be reversed.
  4. Click Reverse.
  5. Confirm reverse by clicking Yes.


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