- All Journal Entries require an equal dollar amount of Debit and Credit inside the same fund (the first 3 numbers of account #).
- Journal Entries can only be made in the current or previous fiscal year.
New Entry
- Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
- Click New.
- Select the Date of the transaction.
- Select the Transaction Type.
- (Optional) Enter Transaction Description (Up to 50 characters).
- (Optional) Enter corresponding Document Number (Up to 9 characters).
- Select an Account by one of the following methods:
- Click on the drop-down box and select the desired number
- Manually type the account number in the field
- Select the box and use arrow keys to scroll through the list
- Once all accounts are entered, check that the Balance in the lower-right corner Proof box is $0.00.
- Click Save.
Save an Entry to File
In a new or existing journal entry:
- Right-click it the empty space below the account number grid.
- Select Save Transaction To File.
- Use Windows’ ‘File Window’ to select the file name and location – Click the Save button.
- Save, Cancel, or Exit the journal entry.
Find Existing
- Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
- In the Journal Entry Quick Search box in the lower-left corner, enter search criteria.
- Use the Advanced button for additional filters.
- Click Search.
- Double-click an entry to view details.
Load a Saved Entry
- Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
- Click New.
- Select the Date of the transaction.
- Select the Transaction Type.
- (Optional) Enter Transaction Description (Up to 50 characters).
- (Optional) Enter corresponding Document Number (Up to 9 characters).
- Right-click in area below the account number grid.
- Use Windows’ ‘File Window’ to select the file to load – click Open.
- Edit account numbers, debits & credits as needed.
- Click Save.
- Only Journal Entries made in General Ledger can be edited.
- Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
- Select entry to be edited.
- Click Edit Transaction.
- Once changes are made, check that the Balance in the lower-right corner Proof box is $0.00.
- Click Save.
- Only Journal Entries made in General Ledger can be reversed.
- Click Journal Entries in the ‘Primary Task’ box.
- Select entry to be reversed.
- Click Reverse.
- Confirm reverse by clicking Yes.