How to Amend a Budget
NOTE: Budget Amendments do not change income or expense entries from any program. Remember this is an adjustment to the amount budgeted for the year in a single account. To move money from the budget of one account to another account requires two budget amendments
To amend a budget, follow these steps:
1. Click on the primary task of Yearly Budgets.
2. Double Click on the Budget Year to be amended.
3. Select the Ledger Account Number (1) to be amended.
A. You can type the number (using hyphens), use the drop down menu, or use the Down Arrow on the keyboard.
4. Click the Date field (5) to set the effective date of the amendment.
5. Enter the Amount of Change (3), up or down, to the Actual Budget Amount (6).
A. For an increase adjustment, use a positive number and for a decrease adjustment, use a negative number.
6. Enter any Comments (4) you may have such as the board meeting date, or the account number the funds were coming from, or moved to.
7. Click Save Amendment or Cancel Amendment (5).
8. Repeat steps 3 – 7 as needed.
The following reports are available to show amendment activity:
On the Menu bar select Reports: Budgets: Finalized Budget: Budget Amendments Activity Report
On the Menu bar select Reports: Budgets: Finalized Budget: Budget Amendments Report