Create A New Journal Entry
- Open the Pontem GL program and log in
- Click the Journal Entries link in the 'Primary Task' box
- Click the New button
- Select the Date of the transaction
- Select the Transaction Type from the drop down - required
- (Optional) Enter Transaction Description (up to 50 characters)
- (Optional) Enter corresponding Document Number (up to 9 characters)
- Click in the area with the title "<Click here to add a row>" or click the "+" button to add a row
- Select an Account number by
- Clicking the drop down arrow and click on the desired account number
- Type the account number using the keyboard
- Use keyboard arrows to move through the list to select the account number
- Enter the appropriate debit or credit
- Use the "Tab" key or "+" button to add the next account number
- When all accounts are entered, check the Proof box, in the lower right corner, to insure the Balance = $0.00
- Click Save button
- All Journal Entries require an equal dollar amount of Debit & Credit inside the same fund (the first 3 digits of the account number).
- Journal Entries can only be made in the current or previous fiscal year.