
Journal Entry - Edit


Edit Journal Entry

  1. Open the Pontem GL program and login
  2. Click the Journal Entries link in the "Primary Task" box
  3. Use the "Quick Search" tool or the "Advanced" button to locate the journal entry to be edited
  4. Click the journal entry to be edited
  5. Click the Edit Transaction button
  6. Make the desired change(s)
  7. Check the Proof box in the lower right corner to insure the Balance = $0.00  (please remember the debits & credits must be balanced inside of each fund)
  8. Click Save button


  • Only journal entries created in GL can be edited
  • Only journal entries in the current or prior fiscal year can be edited
  • When a journal entry is edited, GL will leave the original transaction, create a reversing entry of the original, and pre-populate the journal entry screen for the new transaction.
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