Users with the Pontem FAS programs installed on a network may receive the error message, “Unable to find check file…”.
To determine if the Pontem program generated the error or a network issue, follow these steps:
- Open Windows File Explorer
- Browse the file path given in the error message
- On the left sidebar, select "Network"
- Double-Click the computer storing the Pontem database
- If the server computer is not listed, you can type the server name in the address bar (e.g., \\server name)
- If prompted for login information, please select the 'Remember these credentials' option
- If you do not know the login information, check with your local IT department or service
- If you successfully login to the computer and do not see the folders in the error message, contact your local IT department or service
- If you see the folders and follow the path from the error message, you should reach the custom "reports" folder
- Try printing the checks again
- If you receive the error message again, please ues the "Submit a Support Request" link on the Primary Task: Overview workspace